"Congratulations" Umm.. Huh?

So I headed into the office on weds last week (day after election) quite excited about Obama becoming the president elect. I wanted to talk to everyone I came in contact with about it and share stories of the night before, however I was quite aware of the fact that I had to be quite casual about my inner joy.

I did what many of my black friends did. I walked the halls on breaks and in between meetings scanning faces, checking to see if the person in front of us was smiling back, regardless of color. It was kind of an unsaid rule that if you smiled at a black person on weds then you agreed with the general public’s opinion of who should be our next president.

What I didn’t understand however were the “Congratulations” that I commonly received from my Caucasian co-workers. Congratulations? I thought to myself “did I win the presidency?” I know my friends looked at me and thought “why does he have that confused look on his face?” To be real I wasn’t sure whether to be insulted or excited. Being caught completely off guard my response usually was “Thanks”. Everyone likes to feel like they achieved something right?

Bottom line, race shouldn’t play a factor. I say congratulations to everyone for the choice that they made on Tuesday night. Mark my words, the next time someone congratulates me on Mr. Obama’s win I’m going to say congratulations back, just to see the confused look on their face.

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