A Lovely Night!!

I have decided to start this blog with something that I hold in great regard. My friends and family. Below is a letter that I sent out to them yesterday.


My friends and comrades,

Last night stands as the most historical day in history for my 26 years in the U.S and on Earth. I watched the election results with a few friends and my son Leo. As he ran around the house hugging our neighbors and playing with toys, I looked into his eyes and for the first time saw true hope and a magnificent future for him. Although he does not quite understand what a monumental night last night was, he can look at the portrait of our new president and see in his likeness himself.

As a child I joked with my family about becoming the first black president, by the time I hit 14 or so years of age I realized that this was not a possibility, not because of the content of my character but the color of my skin. My son however will not perceive the same roadblocks as I did and for that I am ever so thankful for all of you.
I was raised to accept all people no matter what cultural upbringing they received, but to always be aware of bigotry and separatism whether it be in the forefront or an undertone. I now have hope, that when Leo reaches an adult level of cognition he will not have to think twice about the same demons that haunted me.

Let this be a test to those who are interested in a truly free nation, which our children can learn and grow without the racial undertones and elitism.

Thank you all for reading this thought. I enjoy being in your company and I’m excited for the years to come.

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